Say “I Do” to a Healthier You! - Part 1

Your wedding day is set! The day every girl dreams of…standing in her white dress to marry the love of her life. Your next thought may be: “How will I fit in my dream dress and what am I going to have to do to look my best?” I know it was on my mind when planning my wedding, and I wish I had help navigating all the information out there! Julie Apple of Japple Fitness and Melissa Black, RD are here to provide you with the top nutrition tips that they recommend you follow for the six months leading up to your wedding!

Let’s start by discussing how the habits that you create in the months leading up to the wedding will impact how you feel, how you look and the confidence that you will have going into your marriage.

Have you ever wondered what exactly impacts your health and how you can look and feel the best as you prepare for your wedding? NUTRITION! Eighty percent of your results come from the food you eat or don’t eat. Exercise plays a large part to get that defined upper body look we all admire—shoulders, collarbones and biceps popping. **hint - stay tuned for a future post where we dive into fitness tips!

If you’re looking for the most effective way to prepare for your wedding day, focus your time and energy on your nutrition. Since you probably want to continue looking and feeling your best after your wedding as well, learn these healthy habits now and integrate them into your everyday lifestyle!


Say I Do to a Healthier You: Top tips to implement into your lifestyle at least six months before your wedding day.


About the contributors:

Julie Apple is a Certified Personal Trainer and Certified Health Coach in Charlotte, North Carolina. She’s been training and coaching clients for 15 years. Her passion is helping clients fall in love with living a healthy lifestyle. You can connect with her at or

Melissa Black is a Registered and Licensed Dietitian in Charlotte, North Carolina. She has been practicing for the last 7 years and currently works for a local oncology center as a certified specialist in oncology nutrition. She can typically be found with a cup of coffee in one hand and a menu planning book in the other. You can connect with her at