My Favourite Jimi Hendrix Quote
When you spend many days working on your craft—in this case me, with calligraphy while at a week long retreat with John Stevens—you inevitably need a trove of things to write. An easy thing to use are pangrams like the ubiquitous “The quick brown fox…” and other variations. Sometimes I’ll create alphabetical lists of a category of items; countries and flowers are popular ones.
Once I move to beyond basic practice and want to focus on creating layouts though, then it’s time for quotes, poetry or prose. One of my favorites that I’ve written several times over the years is this wonderful Jimi Hendrix quote. It sets my mind free every time I read it.
“You have to forget about what other people say, when you’re supposed to die, or when you’re supposed to be loving. You have to forget about all these things. You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.”
The quote is written in a loose, handwriting inspired Italic hand, on Gilbert bond paper. The verso side of the folio is made with a cropped bit of practice, done in nicker paint on brown butcher paper.
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