Gift Ideas for Your Mom and Mother-in-Law on Your Wedding Day

Mothers are incredibly special, and there is no way a wedding would be possible without them! That being said, giving a present is an un-required, but incredibly thoughtful gesture, that is definitely worth your time and effort. Here are some inventive and fun ideas that will make your mom, or mom-to-be, feel like a star at this all-important event.


Include Her in the Ceremony

This is a gift of sorts. The lasting impact of allowing your mother to be part of your special moment will be absolutely priceless to her. Of course, most family members walk into the ceremony to a music processional, but consider going beyond that. Spend some time thinking about how to include her in the day. She can walk you down the aisle, individually or in addition to a father figure. Or perhaps you can hand each woman a flower from your bouquet as you march toward your beloved. Maybe she plays an instrument and will want to write some music for the occasion. The how isn’t important—just the why—the fact that you love her enough to allow her to be part of your wedding.


A Special Cocktail

Some couples love to create a signature drink for their wedding day. If you’re having a bar as part of your reception, and your mom is a connoisseur of wine or something similar, why not have a concoction created with her name? She will love the attention to detail, and the small but noteworthy attention drawn to her importance in your life.



A Sweet Retreat

You and your girlfriends are probably heading out for manicures and massages sometime before the wedding. Don’t leave mom out! Remember, this wedding has probably been a lot of work for her, as well.

This doesn’t necessarily mean a spa. Perhaps she finds serenity in other ways. This is your chance to think outside the box. Check out yoga retreats, hiking trails, or anything else that seems like a good way for her to have a tranquil moment before all the festivities. If she's like some of the women I know, she may thrive on the adrenaline leading up to the big day, in which case treat her afterwards instead!


Special Jewelry

Maybe you aren’t the only one who should be wearing some bling on the big day! Go above and beyond, and purchase a lovely piece of jewelry for her as a gift. If you're into charms, Pandora bracelets are always popular. 

If you like the jewelry idea but aren’t sure about the brand, there are multiple other options. To make it really special, have a piece engraved especially for her, perhaps with your names or the date of the wedding.


The Perfect Dessert

If you can have a special cake for your wedding guest, a groom’s cake, and multiple other items, then certainly you can have your caterer or bakery make a special sweet treat for mom! Find out what she loves the most, be it cheesecake, chocolate, or coffee, and give your cake provider special instructions. If you want to go all out, you can even have them decorate it with her name and a big thank you for being part of everything. When this delectable dessert is brought to her table, she will be thrilled!



Sure, big fancy gestures are wonderful, but some mothers would rather just spend time with their kids than anything else. Consider purchasing her a plane or train ticket to come visit you if she lives far away. Better yet, if you don't live in the same city, plan for it in the days leading up to the wedding so you can squeeze in some special mom time in before the big day. It will mean the world to her!


There are many ways to honor your mother through gift giving on your wedding day. Remember, the part she will love the most is that you thought of her in the midst of all the craziness leading to and on your wedding day!