The Year of Growth, My Declaration for 2016

I've never been great with New Year's Resolutions.

So, at the beginning of 2015 I thought I'd try something new. I told myself it was gonna be a Year of Intention. My goal was to be purposeful, on a daily basis, about how I spent my time, who I spent that time with, and how I spent my money. I wanted a straight-forward way to evaluate my decisions, and one that addressed my core.

Having a thematic approach to life worked so much better than a list of resolutions, that I'm doing it again for 2016. This time, I'm declaring the year to be the Year of Growth. 

I know, its broad. It's non-specific. But it allows me to check in on myself not just monthly or weekly, but daily, and even hourly. Whether its about my business, my fitness, my education or calligraphy journey, I can ask myself: Is what I'm doing contributing to my growth? 

Yep. I'm on a productivity and mind-expansion mission for the next year, and I can't wait to see where it all takes me.